Leverage DSP Data Long After Prime Day

Prime Day is over, so how do you plan to leverage all the activity on Amazon to keep your business growing over the next weeks and months?

Turning Prime Day into something that can help boost your business over the long term – rather than just for two days – is all about audience-building. 

With the influx of shoppers coming to Amazon during the sales event, Amazon DSP gives you the ability to target relevant, in-market consumers both before, during, and after Prime Day. 

In this webinar, Teikametrics’ DSP expert Sydney Ortega discusses how sellers like you can use Amazon DSP to get longer-term benefits from Prime Day through strategic audience building, campaign structure, and better utilizing Amazon’s ad ecosystem.

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Key Takeaways

Amazon DSP is audience-based

Sydney explained that because DSP is audience-based, unlike other Amazon ad types, you can utilize rich Prime Day audience data even if you weren’t running DSP on Prime Day itself. 

“The beauty with DSP is first and foremost, that it’s all audience-based. So even if you weren’t running DSP for this Prime Day, you can run it and still capture all of that audience data and the uptick you guys probably saw in your impressions and clicks and engagement and that data doesn’t go to waste. ” – Sydney Ortega

Use DSP for conquesting competitors

One great use for DSP is to go after shoppers who bought similar or complementary products from a competitor.

“All of those competitors that have similar products or even complementary products. Let’s say I just use this easy example of, let’s say you’re selling mattresses on Amazon. Well, what do you need with a mattress? You need pillows, you need sheets, you need blankets, you need all of that stuff to really make up a bed. So start thinking about your products that way, not just a one-time sale but really how the consumer, at the end of the day is really using your products” – Sydney Ortega

You can retarget an Amazon Live audience

Something else to try is retargeting an Amazon Live audience. You know viewers of that feed are interested in your products because they’ve invested time in watching a Live event.

“Amazon Lives are great. And there’s tons of different packages that you can utilize to get an Amazon Live spot. But you’re able to get a targeted and a customized remarketing list after that Live ends. So you’re able to use that list and remarket to those people that have not only gone to your PDP page, but have actually watched your video – and that audience never goes away. You’re always able to use it. Speaking for me personally, if I’m going to watch an Amazon Live, I’m pretty invested and I want to know more about that product. It’s a really good audience to have in your back pocket.” – Sydney Ortega

Use those Prime Day audiences to retarget

Traffic is always lifted by Prime Day which means more shoppers than usual landed on your PDPs. Use that data to retarget your audiences and remind them of their interest in your products.

And then product remarketing audiences. This is the cream of the crop. When we’re talking about remarketing, retargeting shoppers who have viewed your promoted products, but did not convert, right? These are your key people. For whatever reason, they came to a PDP page through probably a sponsored product ad or something like that. So they actually typed in that keyword, went your PDP page, and maybe they had to jump into a meeting or something happened and they abandoned their cart, but they’re interested, they showed intent. So you want to give them a little nudge, maybe seven days after, 30 days after.”  -Sydney Ortega

Try targeting Amazon’s pre-made audiences

Amazon collects data on shopper behavior and builds an audience based on the types of products they shop for. You can use these audiences to target people who are likely to be interested in the type of products you sell.

I’ll use myself as an example, I love working out, I love eating healthy, and I also have cats. So those are three different categories. I get remarketed for cat food and cat toys all the time, but I also get remarketed and I get put in these audiences for fitness gear.” – Sydney Ortega

Plan for DSP to be a long-term play

Sydney saw many sellers who wanted to be able to utilize DSP on Prime Day this year, but jumped in at the last minute and therefore weren’t able to make the most of it. She advises planning for the long term with DSP.

Honing in on DSP is a long-term play, meaning you have to have budgets in place. It’s not really a day-of type thing… It just takes time for the system to ramp. So I just really want to encourage you to think about your products – it’s crazy to think summer just started, it’s beautiful here in Boston, but we’re already starting to think about the holidays.” – Sydney Ortega

Questions To Guide Your Post-Prime Day Strategy

A successful strategy depends on many nuances of a business. To develop the best post-Prime Day strategy for your brand, be sure you have answers to these questions:

With clarity about the details of your business, your products, and your seasonal expectations, you can craft a long-term DSP plan that utilizes all that rich Prime Day data and allows you to build incremental growth.