July 16th marked the first day of Amazon Prime Day 2024, and it did not disappoint. Both sellers and buyers saw significant activity and engagement. As Prime Day 2024 unfolds, early trends in various product categories are beginning to emerge. While the data is still being updated, these preliminary findings provide insight into which categories are experiencing growth compared to Prime Day 2023. Here, we highlight the positive changes and explore potential reasons behind these increases.

Home & Kitchen

Ad Spend Increase: 34%

The Home & Kitchen category tops the chart regarding Ad spend, which increased significantly by 34% from the previous year. This uptick in ad spend suggests that sellers are investing more in advertising to capture the attention of Prime Day shoppers. The slight increase in clicks (0.70%) indicates that while overall impressions are down (for 1st day), the quality of the ad placements may be higher, resulting in more engaged shoppers.

Beauty & Personal Care

Ad Spend Increase: 11%, Impressions Increase: 39.90%

The Beauty & Personal Care category has shown a positive trend in both ad spend and impressions, with increases of 11% and 39.90%, respectively. This surge can be attributed to the growing demand for beauty products, especially as consumers prioritize self-care. The significant rise in impressions indicates heightened visibility for products in this category, which could lead to higher engagement and sales as the event progresses.


Ad Spend Increase: 44%, Impressions Increase: 6.40%,  Clicks Increase: 38.40%

Electronics have been a standout category with increases across multiple metrics. The 44% increase in ad spend from the previous year reflects a robust advertising strategy to capitalize on Prime Day traffic. The rise in impressions (6.40%) and clicks (38.40%) suggests that these ads reached more people and drove consumer interest and engagement. This trend is likely due to the popularity of electronics during major shopping events, where consumers look for deals on high-value items like gadgets and home appliances.

It is important to note that these values may change as the data is updated. The current metrics provide an early look at the performance of various categories on Day 1 of Prime Day. A comprehensive analysis following Prime Day will provide a better understanding of overall trends and the effectiveness of advertising strategies.

Stay tuned for a comprehensive report following Prime Day, which will provide more insight into these preliminary findings and assist sellers in refining their strategies for future events.