In the fast-paced world of eCommerce, brands are always searching for ways to build credibility and engage their customers. One of the most powerful tools emerging today is User Generated Content (UGC), particularly on platforms like Amazon. In a recent episode of Human in the Loop, Justin Willhite, a video producer and influencer marketing expert, shared his invaluable insights into why UGC is transforming the eCommerce landscape and how brands can leverage it for success.

What Is UGC and Why Does It Matter on Amazon?

UGC refers to content created by customers, influencers, or users about a brand’s products. Think TikTok videos, Instagram posts, or YouTube unboxing videos — all crafted by real people, not the brand itself. This type of content is incredibly valuable because it adds a layer of authenticity that traditional marketing efforts can’t easily replicate.

As Justin points out, “User Generated Content is the peer validation that gives your product credibility beyond your marketing efforts.” When potential customers see UGC, it feels like they’re hearing from someone just like them — a peer they can trust — which is why it works so well on Amazon.

Amazon has been increasing its focus on UGC in recent years, with Justin noting that “if Amazon is doing something, that means it works. They don’t waste time on features that don’t convert.” The platform has been testing features like the Inspire feed and Creator Connections, which allow brands to showcase influencer-generated video content in high-visibility areas on product pages. This not only boosts engagement but drives conversions by offering that critical peer validation.

How Amazon is Boosting UGC with New Features

One of the most exciting developments Justin discusses is how Amazon has integrated UGC into various parts of the shopping experience. Initially, UGC videos were only found in the lower carousel on product pages — out of sight for many shoppers. However, Amazon now places UGC videos in the upper carousel, alongside brand videos. This makes it easier for customers to view authentic, influencer-generated content as part of their shopping decision process.

Additionally, Amazon’s Inspire feed, which features vertical video content similar to TikTok, encourages brands to engage with influencers to create UGC that stands out. Justin emphasizes that “if something is growing on Amazon, you know it’s driving conversions.”

Should You Create UGC Yourself or Work with Influencers?

While creating UGC yourself may seem like a good idea, Justin advises that working with influencers often delivers better results. Influencers specialize in creating engaging content that resonates with audiences, and they bring an authentic touch to the table. Their content often feels more natural, making it easier for customers to connect with.

However, he also notes that brands need to be smart about this approach. “You can create content yourself, but working with influencers allows you to get professional, authentic, and versatile video assets,” Justin explains. He emphasizes that it’s important to look beyond a one-time influencer transaction — brands should aim to maximize the value of the content they commission by repurposing it across multiple channels, such as social media, PPC ads, and even their Amazon listings.

Maximizing the Value of UGC

One of the key takeaways from this conversation is the importance of repurposing UGC. Justin encourages brands to get the most out of influencer partnerships by acquiring the content created and using it across multiple platforms. “If you’ve paid for an influencer video, don’t just use it once. Turn it into ads, social media posts, or even YouTube content,” Justin says.

He also warns brands against falling into the trap of doing a “one-and-done” with UGC. The true value comes from keeping the content alive by repurposing it over time.

Key Benefits of UGC:

Peer Validation: UGC provides the crucial trust factor by showing potential buyers real people using and enjoying the product.

Multi-Channel Flexibility: Influencer-generated content can be repurposed for various channels, making it more cost-effective in the long run.

Amazon’s Focus on Video: With features like the Inspire feed and Creator Connections, Amazon is giving UGC more visibility, driving conversions, and boosting sales.

Avoiding UGC Pitfalls

UGC isn’t without its challenges. Justin shares a few key pitfalls that brands should avoid:

Misaligned Expectations: Simply paying an influencer doesn’t guarantee instant sales. Instead, focus on building long-term value by using the content in various ways.

Not Leveraging Content: Once you’ve commissioned a UGC video, use it everywhere! Justin notes that many brands don’t fully maximize the assets they’ve paid for. “We’ve never had a client come back and ask us to repurpose their content — it’s a missed opportunity.”

The Future of UGC and AI in eCommerce

As video content continues to dominate, UGC will remain a cornerstone of effective marketing. But the future also holds exciting developments in AI. While AI-generated content is starting to play a bigger role in operations, Justin is confident that organic, influencer-created content will still be crucial. “People will always crave real content. AI has its place, but authentic, human-generated content will win in the long run.”

He also touches on the use of AI for repurposing content — such as using tools to help brands optimize and reformat influencer videos for different channels. While AI can help behind the scenes, the content itself must feel real and relatable.

Key Takeaways from the Episode:

• UGC is critical to building trust and credibility, especially on Amazon.

• Amazon is increasingly prioritizing influencer-generated video content, which drives conversions.

• Brands should focus on building long-term value from UGC by repurposing content across multiple platforms.

• Working with influencers offers a more authentic and professional approach to UGC creation.

• AI will play a bigger role in operations, but organic content will remain key to brand authenticity.

Final Thoughts: The Power of UGC

As eCommerce evolves, UGC will continue to play a pivotal role in how brands engage with their customers. Justin Willhite’s insights underscore the importance of leveraging influencer-created content, repurposing assets, and staying ahead of trends like AI in the marketing space. For brands looking to grow on platforms like Amazon, investing in UGC is not just a trend — it’s a necessity.

If you’re interested in stepping up your UGC game, consider reaching out to Justin and his team at Conquest to learn more about how they can help you harness the power of UGC for your brand.

Want to hear more?

Catch the full conversation on the latest episode of Human in the Loop with Justin Willhite, and learn how to use UGC to boost your brand on Amazon and beyond!

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