Teikametrics is excited to share that we’ve been a part of Amazon’s beta program for Sponsored Ads on Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC). Through this collaboration, we’ve been unlocking powerful AMC insights for sellers and brands using Sponsored Search, providing new visibility into ad performance without needing DSP, which was previously required. 

With AMC dashboards now live, brands can go beyond just impressions to understand how many unique users are exposed to ads, giving a clearer picture of total reach. Brands can now see how different campaign types and keyword groups impact reach and conversions and how overlaps between these groupings drive performance. This deeper visibility empowers data-driven decisions for a more optimized and effective advertising strategy.

The Challenges E-Commerce Brands Face

Ecommerce brands running Amazon Sponsored Ads struggled to understand how different ad types impacted each other and which ones were driving new-to-brand customers. Without clear data, advertisers had to rely on trial and error to optimize their campaigns, lacking the insights needed to make data-driven decisions. This lack of transparency made it difficult to optimize Sponsored Ads and maximize ROI fully. With access to more comprehensive performance data, sellers and advertisers can make informed decisions and invest more strategically in their full-funnel marketing efforts on Amazon.

However, Amazon has now introduced a solution to these longstanding challenges, integrating Amazon Marketing Cloud (AMC) for Sponsored Ads. Through this advanced platform, brands can access in-depth insights and performance data previously out of reach. Teikametrics, as a beta partner with Amazon, has played a pivotal role in bringing these capabilities to advertisers, offering brands the tools they need to finally break through the data barriers and take control of their Sponsored Ads performance.

By partnering with Amazon, Teikametrics has developed exclusive AMC dashboards that empower advertisers with real-time, actionable insights. These reports will enable e-commerce brands to fully understand their customers’ behavior, measure campaign effectiveness, and optimize ad spend like never before.

Introducing the AMC Dashboards for Sponsored Ads Accounts

Teikametrics clients can now access powerful AMC dashboards designed explicitly for Sponsored Ads insights. These dashboards help break down key metrics and clarify customer journeys, ad performance, and product success. Here’s what each dashboard offers:

  1. ASIN Purchase Overlap for Upselling Identifying which products are frequently purchased together after a customer sees your ads is crucial for upselling strategies. This dashboard helps brands analyze these product overlaps, allowing them to create highly targeted upsell or remarketing campaigns. For example, if a customer buys a certain product after seeing a Sponsored Product ad, you can use this data to promote related products and increase the average order value.
  2. New-to-Brand Gateway ASINs New customer acquisition is the lifeblood of any growing brand. This dashboard evaluates which ASINs are most successful at attracting new-to-brand (NTB) customers, allowing advertisers to focus on promoting the products driving the highest NTB sales. This insight is invaluable for Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Video campaigns aimed at building brand loyalty and expanding customer bases.
  3. Time to Conversion One critical metric for any advertiser is understanding the customer journey—specifically, how long it takes to convert after seeing an ad. This dashboard provides insights into the time it takes for a user to purchase their last ad exposure. Whether you’re running a Sponsored Product or Sponsored Brand campaign, this data helps optimize the timing of future ads to align with customer behavior.
  4. Reach and Impression Frequency Understanding how many people are seeing your ads and how frequently is essential for avoiding ad fatigue and overexposure. This dashboard gives brands a clear picture of their campaign’s reach and impression frequency, allowing them to ensure ads are being delivered effectively without overwhelming the same audience. Sponsored Video and Sponsored Brand campaigns, in particular, can benefit from this data to fine-tune their creative rotations.

Solving the “Black Box” Problem with AMC

One of the most significant pain points for advertisers on Amazon has been the lack of visibility into how their Sponsored Ads drive performance across different stages of the customer journey. Without actionable insights, brands were often left guessing which products to promote, how to refine their targeting, and how to scale their efforts effectively.

This black box is now removed with AMC and Teikametrics’ custom-built dashboards. AMC’s data-driven insights enable advertisers to see how their ads perform, allowing for more precise optimization and better decision-making.

How to Get Access to AMC Data for Sponsored Ads Accounts

If you are a Teikametrics client with a Sponsored Ads account, accessing AMC data is easier than ever. Contact your analyst or account manager for clients under Managed Edition to learn how to access AMC dashboards.

What’s Next for Teikametrics and AMC?

We’re just getting started. With the potential for deeper insights through AMC and the upcoming API integration, Teikametrics is committed to unlocking actionable insights that transform Sponsored Ads optimization. By leveraging AMC’s robust data analytics, we will help brands build targeted strategies for all ad types, ensuring advertisers make data-driven decisions that maximize ROI and fuel sustainable growth. Our ongoing collaboration with Amazon means we’re continuously pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in ad performance and full-funnel marketing.

Ready to take your Sponsored Ads to the next level? Contact Teikametrics today and let us help you unlock the full potential of AMC insights.