Bringing on Teikametrics has been a tremendous asset to our Amazon business. NatureWise’s sales velocity has increased substantially, and we’re excited to continue on that path with Amazon DSP.
Business Overview
Founded in 2012, NatureWise is a leading supplements and health ecommerce brand, with multiple products holding top-10 Amazon Best Seller ranks. This includes the #1 best-selling Vitamin D supplement on With their all natural, no additives philosophy, NatureWise needs to effectively differentiate themselves on Amazon in an incredibly competitive market. Their efforts are spearheaded by Zach Katzenstein, Director of Digital Marketing, who joined NatureWise in 2019 with a deep Amazon advertising background
The Problem
While NatureWise’s total advertising cost of sale (TACoS) looked great, Zach saw that the brand’s overall growth on Amazon was declining. NatureWise’s advertising was underinvested and under-managed, causing low profitability and a lack of market visibility. With so much to manage across NatureWise’s range of products on Amazon, Zach knew he needed a strategic partner to manage and optimize their Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and DSP advertising efforts. Additionally, Zach understood that in order to succeed at scale, he needed AI technology to find new keyword opportunities, capture sales, and optimize towards overall business goals 24/7 without the need for exacting manual management.
The Solution
After coming on board with Teikametrics, the analyst team quickly created product-level, goal-driven advertising campaigns for NatureWise’s Amazon-ready products. Teikametrics increased conquesting efforts through the usage of Product Attribute Targeting; utilizing both Automatic campaigns to farm competitor ASINs, as well as manual research into top competitor products across supplement categories. To help consistently improve sales velocity, the Teikametrics team continued optimizing ad campaigns and keywords based on performance with the aim of driving incremental sales. Teikametrics’ algorithmic approach helped NatureWise bid efficiently against the competition, quickly explore new keyword opportunities, negate keywords that were not profitable, while doubling down on the keywords that produced positive results. To help drive additional volume, Teikametrics set up DSP campaigns for NatureWise using segmented audiences and retargeting in-market shoppers across Amazon and the wider Web.
Performance Results

NatureWise’s products are incredibly well-reviewed, but the hyper-competitive supplement market on Amazon made agility a high priority in order to drive long-term growth. Our approach to finding meaningful new keywords and using Teikametrics’ algorithmic bidding technology meant we could keep NatureWise competitive on existing valuable terms, while quickly scaling up on emerging ones to capture new sales.